Platonic Love
A guide to bringing your boo home for the holidays
Are you planning on going home for the holidays and bringing the boo? Do you have a chaotic family? Are you hiding some skeleton in your closet? Are there some cultural differences? You might want to brief your partner before bringing them home to meet the parentals for the first time if you want things to go smoothly.
By Jailynn Taylor

Romance & Dating
8 Stereotypical guys you’ll meet on dating apps
Are they always half naked flexing in the gym? Or are they surrounded by the bro’s double fisting red solo cups? Maybe you’re more interested in the Goldendoodle that’s in the background of all his pictures.
By Jailynn Taylor
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13 Women and Non-Binary People of Color Share Their Relationship Red Flags
In relationships, red flags are the things we watch out for. They’re our warning signs--indicators that it’s either time to have serious conversations and make compromises or run the other way.