Hey you, give yourself some grace
Image of Abigail Thomas
Written by Abigail Thomas
Dear Self,
There is something I need to tell you, and I need you to listen carefully. I’m proud of you. You might want to read that again just in case you skimmed. I’m proud of you. In fact, let me say it again a little louder one more time for the back row. I’M PROUD OF YOU.
You are blooming into your being and you’re on the uncertain journey of becoming your highest and most elevated self. I’d like you to know that your efforts do not go unnoticed. I see you trying. We all do. I know the ride of learning who you are and why the world chose your particular spirit to enter your particular body at this particular time on this particular journey is not so simple nor easily digestible. But in the process of figuring it all out, please remember to give yourself grace. You are doing the best you can with the tools you have right now. When you begin to panic because you don’t have all the answers, I need you to remember that you’re not supposed to. Work toward your dreams but surrender to life’s road and timing to get you to them. Do not tell yourself that your dreams are out of your reach just because the plans are out of your hands. I know if feels like sometimes you just can’t win. Sometimes you may not feel as gifted as the others, or as blessed as the others, or as talented or wealthy. But while you are spiraling, those people you are looking at, the people who seemingly have what you want, they’re spiraling too in their own ways. We’re all on our own path that’s made visible to no one but us. I know it feels as if things should be easier, but, my darling, that is not how life goes.
It’s not always going to make sense. There are times when the uncertainty is too much to bear, but do not let it consume you whole and swallow your spirit. When you get overwhelmed, look outside. Do you see how the clouds make room for the sun? Do you see how pretty the green leaves look against the blue sky? Do you see that dog sticking his cute little head out of that car window? Oh, and the purple flower in the neighbor’s yard? Wow, look at her bloom. And to think you might not have noticed all the beauty around you because your mind won’t stop spinning long enough to let you look.
Oh self, things have a funny way of working out. You are doing better than you realize. It’s okay to ebb and flow. Who knows, maybe every time you hit a wall you’ll eventually knock it down to find out what’s on the other side. But in the meantime, allow yourself ease and grace and joy. Protect your peace and your energy. All you can control is today. Learn to be okay with that, because in case you haven’t paid attention, the woman you are today is lookin’ real good (yeah I’m talking about that sun-kissed melanin and that curl definition) and she is more than enough already. Breathe, sis. You got this!
Love ya, mean it.