Self-Care for the Days You Don't Want To Self-Care

Self care is everything and anything that actively safeguards your mental and physical wellbeing. In a world that doesn't always care about your personal happiness, intentional actions can help you care for you. Even simple actions can do wonders for stress, anxiety, self-esteem, and relationship health! 

All of our personal concepts of self-care can be wildly different depending on our mood and environment. But in the media, the form of self-care that’s promoted by celebrities and capitalized upon by brands often looks the same. Don’t get me wrong, I love my skin care products, bath bombs and herbal teas as much as the next girl. But all these things can feel like a chore if I’m not in the right mindset. We need a form of self-care for every mindset.

Sometimes, the joy of putting on a clay mask disappears when I realize the effort it takes to scrub my face to remove it. Believe me, I’ve tried putting candles around the bath, turning down the lights and relaxing in clouds of bubbles. But in reality, that gives me no sense of peace, just slasher movie vibes. Maybe that’s the anxiety talking.

As women and non-binary people of color, we deserve the highest form of self-care.

We all know the complexities and heartbreak of what we face daily. You are so worthy of happiness and inner peace, but you also don’t have to mask your grief. 

If you ever feel like even small acts of self-care are insurmountable tasks, try one of these ten actions to recharge and heal!

Don’t forget to eat

Keep your favorite snack in your desk or purse at all times to make sure you’re eating something throughout the day. 

Spend some time on haircare 

Take 5 minutes to take care of your hair before bed. Whether you moisturize your hair, wrap it in silk, or braid it, give your hair what it needs so you can start your day off right the next morning. 

Don’t be afraid to let the tears flow

Watch a sad movie and have a cathartic cry about an issue totally unrelated to your stressors. Sometimes you just need to let all those built up emotions out in a safe space! Bury yourself in blankets, make some popcorn and even cuddle up to a loved one if you need support. Any film about dogs or love always leaves me in the good kind of tears.

Drown out the world in ambiance

If you’re feeling particularly melancholy, lay on the floor and turn up the music in your headphones to a level that lets you forget the rest of the world. Lianne La Havas and NAO are always a vibe, but play whatever resonates most in that moment.

Get some much needed peace from nature

Put on a podcast, make yourself a hot drink to hold, and go for a walk in your sweatpants to the nearest spot of nature. If you’re feeling bold and it’s warm enough, take your shoes off and feel the grass between your toes. Nature can be grounding and remind us of where we come from.

Cuddle up in bed

Remember, hot water bottles aren’t just your friend during menstruation! Fill one up, put some fuzzy socks on, and cuddle up with it under the covers. You can so easily drift off to sleep like this or put on some Netflix to keep your mind busy.

Let a little color brighten your day

Wear rose-tinted vaseline or lip balm to feel more like yourself when you don’t feel in the mood for a full makeup routine. 

Take a break from social media

Log out of your social media accounts for a few days to spend some quality time with yourself. Apps like Forest even let you grow a tree while you’re away from your phone. It’s a cute and effective way to limit your screen time!

Make some good food to nourish your soul

Try finding a simple recipe for your favorite comfort food. Smells can be reminders of better times and sometimes a warm, home-cooked meal is all you need.

Get some much needed one-on-one time with a loved one

Call a friend or family member who you’ve been meaning to talk to for a long time. Set up a time to cook, create art, or watch a movie with them over facetime. Even quietly coexisting can help you feel less lonely.

Written by Autumn Sevy

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